Miss Lydia is 7 months old now, wow! I really can't say enough about how sweet she is. That smile is ALWAYS there! Here's my "smile" story - Today, when she was napping, I had to wake her up from her beauty sleep to go pick up Henry from school. She was out of it for a second when I picked her up from her crib, but instantly she gave me a huge smile, drowsy eyes and all. I know I'm not that happy when somebody wakes me up :)
She decided to start this screaming/squawking thing last week, doesn't seem to be in response to anything, just at random times, not sure if she likes the sound or what? I had to take her out of church 3 times because of that crazy squawk! The lady behind us told us afterwards, "You have a beautiful family and that little girl has a beautiful voice!"
Lydia's wearing 6-9 month clothing, and moved up to size 3 diapers. Weight: 16 lbs, 9 ozs (~45th %ile). She's sleeping through the night now, from about 7pm-7am, taking 2 good naps each day. She's nursing 4-5 times a day along with 2-3 meals of solids, as well. Let's see, what has Lydia been eating - bananas, avocado, carrots, squash, peas, apples, mango, sweet potato...I'd say her least favorite would be peas (just like that brother when he was a baby), otherwise is ok with everything else. Still has just those 2 little teeth on the bottom.
Lydia, you LOVE to watch that big brother of yours! You can now reach out of your carseat and I busted you grabbing at his jacket the other day, then you'd giggle when he'd rip it out of your hands. Everyday, we try to get outside for a walk and then Henry either bikes or rides his scooter - you don't even play with toys, as you just love to sit in the stroller and take it all in. You're almost "mobile" and I'm getting a little scared about it. You can roll all over the place, turn around in circles on your tummy, scoot backwards, get up on your hands & knees, and sit up pretty well (I still won't leave you alone if you're sitting on the hard floor, but on the carpet I trust you).
Here's a picture from our outing the other day to the Red Balloon Bookshop in St. Paul. We went for storytime and then over to Bread & Chocolate for a treat, yum yum!
she is so SO gorgeous Sarah!!!